Matilda logo.png


0179 - Matilda - Birthday Party Scene.jpg


These magical backgrounds are complimented with 3D set pieces that track on via a chalk-theme floor.

The central image of this set is a giant chalkboard, used to project animated scenem that appear to be drawn directly from Matilda’s imagination. These magical backgrounds are complimented with 3D set pieces that track on via a chalk-theme floor. The stage space is framed with 4 large book towers.

Show Props

  • Birthday party table and set dressing.

  • Library desk and book shelf.

  • Family rm couch, TV cabinet and coffee table.

  • Matilda’s bed and bookshelf

  • Classroom spell blocks and desks.

  • Gymnasium vaulting horse.

  • Playground gate.

  • Trunchball’s desk with wall cabinet. Miss Honey’s kitchen

Matilda background.jpg